Monday, April 11, 2011


Trolls killed the internet arguements. If you ever make any kind of stupid comment all you can do is say you are troll wich then makes other person look stupid. Even thought internet arguements weren't so good in the first not being able to have arguement with other people because they just say they are trolls after losing arguement makes internet quite boring place. No more your able to know who is trolling and who is just stupid.  People should understand that over using trolling makes you unable to have any kind of good arguement over the internet. While i have trolled in the internet, i still do admit when ive been wrong and stupid. Like in the last post moderation people.



Abletonian said...

Haha so true!

fdogg2009 said...

couldnt agree more.

Mike said...

A lot of the time its just someones stupid uneducated opinion.

Nathan said...

Couldn't have said it better myself

Fugazi said...

Burn the trolls

chupy said...

trolls are anoying but necesary

Remi said...

Everyone gets trolled at least a few times, usually they're the ones to become the next troll

Mike Litoris said...


Anonymous said...


Yeah, it's a pretty weak defense. HAH I TROLL U! Just another reason I don't argue much online.

Adam Davis said...

My friends and I troll each other all the time. I've never just trolled a random stranger. I can't stand people who just try and ruin something for everybody.

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